Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcakes

The first time I ever had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was when I was 30 years old. My mother didn’t feed it to me. She didn’t like it, so it was something she didn’t serve me. She would send my sister off with it as well as my dad and my dad ate it did she. I did eventually acquire the taste and wanted to incorporate my love of cake with a new love. The peanut butter and jelly cupcake. I used strawberry jam, but you can use any type of jelly or jam if you want.

1 box of yellow cake mix
1 jar of strawberry preservers
1 cup of peanut butter
1 container of white frosting

Make batter as indicated on box and pour into cupcake tins with no paper. Do this because you will need to slice the cupcake in half and there is no reason to have to pull the paper off first. After the cupcakes are cooled through, empty the white frosting into a medium sized bowl and add in the peanut butter. With a blender mix the 2 together well. Slice the cupcakes in half making it a sandwich. Take the jelly or jam and spread on to the bottom portion of the cupcake. Take the other half of the cupcake and put it back. Frost the top of the cupcake with the peanut butter frosting and top with a dollop of the strawberry preserves. You will knock the socks off your kids and the adults too!

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